Gun Control: Is it Needed?

The issues surrounding guns and the need for more rules and regulations have become a serious concern in America. The problems with guns and the horrific results that have been associated with them are at the forefront for controversial discussions. With the rising number of school shootings ending in death or injuries as a result of firearms thousands of people have joined to rally for a change.  On February 14, 2018 in Parkland, Florida a school shooting occurred killing seventeen students. Emma Gonzalez, Parkland shooting survivor, lead a rally for The March For Our Lives. She spoke in Washington D.C. expressing personal hardship that she experienced while also speaking on behalf of those that lost their lives. She stood on stage in silence for six minutes and twenty seconds to illustrate the time it took for some many too lose their lives. She demonstrated remarkable strength and courage to present during this march.

DC senior Sydni Smith expressed her views on the numerous school shootings that have taken place and the issues surrounding firearms. Smith stated, “I believe everyone has the right to own a gun, however I do feel there needs to be restrictions with the type of weapons someone may own.” Additionally, she argued that with the alarming amount of school shootings that have occurred this year something needs to change in regards to firearms. As shootings across the world continue to increase a need for changes within the school system is a rising concern. Similarly, some sort of change in gun regulations is needed in order to prevent this issue from ongoing occurrence.

Written by Madysyn Creighton

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