Thoughts on the DC Bookstore

Defiance College recently transitioned its bookstore from the traditional store setting to a completely web based experience. The store remains open in Hubbard Hall throughout the week selling some apparel, hats, and accessories. The virtual bookstore allows students to order or sell textbooks. Additionally, professors are able to upload the required textbooks prior to the start of classes, so students can prepare in advance. Each class that a student is taking will be labeled under a tab following the textbooks the teacher assigns. The online bookstore offers a variety of prices including buying and renting used or new books.

A few students on campus shared their opinions on the new system.  Senior Kelsey Parker shared that the new website is easy to navigate. Additionally, she added that, “It’s nice to have another option to compare books for the best price.” In comparison Jennifer Nashalsky stated that she only used the website to see the required textbooks for each of her classes. Tyler Davie also commented on the bookstore. He shared that he likes that the website is convenient for ordering all of his textbooks from one site and that they all are affordable for the most part. However, he claimed that he misses the wider variety of apparel the bookstore had. Tyler shared that he would like to see more of a variety of clothing options in the store. In comparison, Adam Ramirez claimed that the bookstore is, “too expensive.” Lastly, senior Jackie Hartman stated she like the clothing options the bookstore has. She commented, “I’ve bought multiple sweatshirts from the store and they all were reasonably priced.” However, Jackie added that she has not used the online bookstore as she uses other web based sites for her textbooks. 

Written by Madysyn Creighton

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