The 18th Annual Empty Bowls

The Social Work program is at it again. The junior social work majors have been working diligently towards another successful Empty Bowls event. On February 15th, from 4 pm- 7 pm. at the K of C, the Defiance College Social Work program will be selling bowls and soup to donate to the PATH center. For DC Students and employees, admission is $8. Admission for children 12 and under is $6. For others, admission is $10. Admission includes a bowl made by Defiance alumni, Brandon Knott.

Senior social work major explained why Empty Bowls is worth all of the effort, saying that “it’s a longstanding community tradition in it’s 18th year that directly supports the local homeless shelter, PATH. The event brings together community members, business donors, and students for a cause bigger than any single one of us. All monetary proceeds benefit the PATH center as well as additional food donations. The outreach of PATH is powerful and especially vital in a small, rural region”.

Please consider joining the social work program tonight! Help donate to those who need it and help make a difference in someone’s life!

Written by Jordan Osborne

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