DCWBB Concludes Season at Hanover

(Hanover, Indiana)- The Yellow Jackets concluded their 2017-18 season on Saturday afternoon as they traveled to Hanover, where they dropped the contest 81-66.

The hanover Panthers started out strong with a 10-0 run to start the game off with a score of 14-2 with 6 minutes remaining. The Yellow Jackets struggled to get things going as the first quarter ended with the Panthers up 33-8.

DC looked to get something going with a bucket from Sam Ervin. Hanovers offense kept the energy up as they brought the score to 43-14. Sidney Faine closed out the half for Defiance as she connected form deep to bring the score to 51-24 at the half.

The Yellow Jacket offense looked alive in the third quarter as a small run led by Ervin cut the deficit to 24 points with 3:22 left. Brittany Osborne connected late in the quarter to end the third down 65-39.

In the last quarter, Defiance had a 6-0 run started by Schalk to pull it within 20 points. Senior Mekai White hit a three pointer with 8:16 left. The Panthers held on to their lead to end it with a score of 81-66. Senior Whitney Schalk had this to say, “I’m not going to talk about the emotions of going into your final game and how it slowed us to start. Then once we relaxed, we just played the game. The entire second half was a half of basketball we can look back on as our last game and be proud of our efforts. In the last 20 minutes of my basketball career…I had fun with my family on the court.”

Sam Ervin lead with 16 points, while senior Whitney Schalk added in 12 points and 7 assists. Brittany Osborne ended the game with 9 rebounds to add.

Written by Jessi Davis

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