“Call their Names” — Reverend Al Sharpton March on Washington and Other News

** This past Thursday and Friday, over 30 speakers and musical guests spoke and performed in person and virtually for the March on Washington. It marked the 57th year since Martin Luther King Jr led the march and gave his famous “I have a dream” speech. Among the speakers where Martin Luther King III, members of George Floyd’s family, and Reverend Al Sharpton. Reverend Sharpton called on the President to act on the injustices surrounding Breona Taylor, George Floyd, and many others by asking President Trump why he does not “call their names”.
**The 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment happened this week as well. The 19th amendment gave the right to vote for white women. It was ratified on August 26, 1920. Forty-five years later, in August, the Voting Rights Act became law which outlawed discriminations against voters and allowed all citizens the right to vote.

** “Black Panther” star, Chadwich Boseman, passed away Friday after a long battle with cancer. Along with “Black Panther”, Boseman acted in several other films including “Marshall” and “42”. He kept his diagnosis secret, and his death came as a shock to most fans. He was 43.
** In Defiance College news, classes began last week to a new format with classes being in-person and virtual. Some students enjoyed the new ways while others thought it would take getting used to and wasn’t a fan.
“I was very stressed out and overwhelmed. I think they (the professors) could have given us a little more information earlier [as to] which group we would be in” one student said.
Jess L states, “I am the type of learner where I prefer in-person classes because I learn better that way—from the interactions…that are offered for in-person classes”
“I recognize the need to keep everyone safe, but I do prefer in-person classes more,” Jess said.
Reflecting on the past spring semester, Professor Engel, Assistant Professor of English and Director of Composition, hoped to just make it through the semester in person as he felt the online format limited his strengths in teaching. “It’s harder to build community, read a classroom, and make minor adjustments to respond to students’ needs in an online course–especially when we had to make the shift so suddenly. I think this semester will be better because we all have planned with the idea that we might need to transition at some point” expressed Dr. Engel.
The new structured classes are temporary and once COVID is better controlled or over, classes will resume normally.
Written by: A.D. Johnson