Service Leader Host Fundraiser
Written by: Trisha Baldwin

With the holiday season quickly approaching, there is no better time than now to give. In fact, students can partake in the act of giving this holiday season right on Defiance College’s campus. The service leadership program has started Project-Build-a-Bed, which involves collecting plastic bags and later weaving them into sleeping mats. The sleeping mats made will support the NOCAC PATH center. DC students are encouraged to collect all of their holiday/grocery bags over the break and bring them with them as they return to campus to aid this great cause.
Donations will be accepted through January 29 at collection sites in Defiance Hall, Serrick Campus Center, George M. Smart Athletic Center, Pilgrim Library, Hubbard Hall, McReynolds Hall, Whitney Hall, and St. John United Church of Christ.

Over the break, each service leader has been busy cutting the bags that have already been collected into plastic yarn, which will later be woven together. However, about 500-700 bags are required to produce one sleeping mat, so the service leaders are in need of as many bags as possible.
According to Mia Mathews, the Director of Service Leadership Programs, “It has been a fantastic way for us to address a community need from our own homes. The most challenging part of this pandemic is that while the needs of the community have skyrocketed, our ability to serve has been limited to reduce exposure to the virus.”
This project serves as a great way to stay civically engaged and helpful while limiting exposure to others during the pandemic.
“We are not only providing resources to support the amazing work of the NOCAC PATH Center, but we are upcycling plastic bags that are very rarely recycled” stated Mathews.
Project Build-a-Bed is not only helping people but also accomplishes the purpose of helping the environment. With the uncertainty of today’s world, the act of giving and helping one’s community remains constant, especially at Defiance College.