Happy Festivus and Other Holidays happening in December

Written by: AD Johnson

I feel safe to say that 2020 has been a rough year for many. In my experience, there have been reasons to be sad, mad, upset, frustrated, overwhelmed, and discouraged just about every month in 2020. 

However, looking back, I can find moments each day to be grateful for what I have and can find something to celebrate even if it’s small. December is almost over but there is still time for DC students to find a fun festivity each day to celebrate during the rest of winter break.

In the month of December, there are over 100 holidays to celebrate according to National Today, https://nationaltoday.com/december-holidays/, a website that has compiled federal, religious, and fun celebrations for each day of the year. The site has 11 categories that they separate the topic of celebration in and have 5 different countries to choose from when finding a holiday.

I’ve found 5 different days that are unusual, fun, and a bit unheard of to finish off the rest of the year but there are plenty more to choose from in case you need even more merriment during winter break. 

December 22, 2020

National Cookie Exchange Day: This day was created by Jace Shoemaker-Galloway known as the Queen of Holidays. It gives people a chance to bake and give a small treat to show kindness. This is especially a good holiday to take part in as dropping off a box of gooides to friends, family and neighbors can be done safely during the pandemic.

December 23, 2020

Festivus: In the 1990s, Festivus was created on the sitcom Seinfield. George’s father made up the holiday after getting in a fight over a toy and wanted to have a better way to celebrate the holiday without “the increased commercialism and consumerism.” To participate in Festivus, there at least main traditions: the airing of grievances, then a Festivus dinner, followed by the Feats of Strength. To find more about Festivus, visit https://festivusweb.com/index.php or watch the Seinfield episode called “The Strike” where the holiday first appears on Hulu or Youtube. It’s always nice to have a good laugh.

December 26, 2020

National Thank You Note Day: This day is a day to thank people who not only gave you gifts but to thank those who we are thankful for during the year. There is no need for a special card or decorated paper, any piece of paper will work as long as the words are honest and show appreciation. **Bonuses – it’s fun to receive mail and it supports our Postal service.

December 28, 2020

National Call a Friend Day: Celebrating your friends is defiantly a reason to have a special holiday. On this day, people get in touch with their friends to reconnect or just chat. Texting or emailing is acceptable too.

December 30, 2020

National Bacon Day: This delicious holiday began in 1997 by Danya “D” Goodman and Meff “Human Cannonball” Leonard. “According to the founders of Bacon Day, we are encouraged to eat a variety of bacon while watching Kevin Bacon movies, or movies with bacon in the title” as reported by the National Day Calendar website https://nationaldaycalendar.com/bacon-day-december-30/

While there are plenty of known holidays to celebrate left this year, adding another fun tradition celebrating one or more of these lesser known days is sure to add more fun and specialness to the festivities. 

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