St. Patrick Day Celebrations on Campus
Written by: Emily Vargo
March 17 is a special day for some people and a day you don’t want to forget to wear green. To some, this is a cultural celebration, a religious celebration, or a fun holiday that they celebrate with friends. This special day is called St. Patrick’s Day!

This year there are some exciting things happening on campus on March 17. The cafeteria will be serving a delicious Jiggs dinner for lunch. For those who are not familiar with this meal, it consists of salted beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, and turnips all boiled in a large pot. Some recipes will vary but they are all wonderful.
The Campus Catholics are hosting a free event open to everyone from 1-3 pm on the 17th in the McCann Center. Everyone can stop by and pick out a St. Patrick’s day themed treat of their choice. There will be cookies and shakes! You can also play a St. Patty’s day trivia game and take a picture at the St. Patrick’s Day photo wall.
St. Patrick’s day celebrates the death of St. Partick who passed away in the fifth century. He is credited for bringing Christianity to Ireland and explaining the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) by using a shamrock also known as a three leaf clover.
St. Patrick’s Day has been celebrated as a feast since the ninth or tenth century. On March 17, 1601, in St. Augustine, Florida the first ever St. Patrick’s day parade was celebrated but for the most part, it was not celebrated everywhere. Over time, however, St. Patrick’s Day increased in celebration in the United States.
Irish Americans gain more acceptance in 1948 when President Harry S.Truman attended a St. Patrick’s day parade in New York City. Now St. Patrick’s day is celebrated all around the world and enjoyed by millions of people.
Don’t forget to wear green for good luck on this upcoming St. Patrick’s Day!