Holiday Coffee and Drinks
Written by: Amber Baldwin
Whether you are ready or not, the holidays are upon us which means holiday drinks are here.
A place right here in Defiance that is severing holiday drinks is Biggby Coffee. Their menu includes Peppermint Stick Mocha Latte, Snow Mint Mocha, Winter Wonderland Latte, Cookie Butter Latte, Snowball Latte, Sweat Foam Cookie Butter Cold Brew, Eggnog Crème Freeze, and Eggnog Latte.
McDonald’s is bringing back their Toffee Latte and Peppermint Mocha. They also have two new drinks coming out this year along with the new Celebrations McFlurry. These drinks are the Hot Chocolate Deluxe and Choco Fudge Latte. They will also have holiday cups.

Tim Hortons is another place that will be having holiday cups this year. They are serving Candy Cane Hot Chocolate and Candy Cane White Hot Chocolate. The Black Forest Filled Ring Dream Donut and Chocolate Hazelnut Filled Muffin will also be a part of their holiday menu.
Dunkin Donuts is adding three new drinks to their holiday menu this year. These drinks are Holiday Blend Coffee, Toasted White Chocolate Signature Latte, and White Mocha Hot Chocolate. They are also bringing back their Peppermint Mocha Signature Latte.
Starbucks is known for its holiday cups. Here are the beverages they are serving this year: Peppermint Mocha, Iced Sugar Cookie Almond Milk Latte, Toasted White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino, Chestnut Praline Latte, Caramel Brulée Latte, and Irish Cream Cold Brew. They also have their Christmas Blend Whole Bean Coffee and Cranberry Bliss Bars.