Defiance College to Host 22 nd Annual Empty Bowls Fundraiser

Written by: Ryan Imbrock Director of Marketing and Public Relations,

The Defiance College Social Work Program will be hosting its 22nd annual Empty Bowls fundraiser on Wednesday, April 6, 2022, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This year, a drive-through event will be held in the Hubbard Hall parking lot on College Place. All proceeds will benefit the PATH center.
At this drive-through event, you will be able to purchase a handmade bowl that is filled with other donated goods – such as coupons to local businesses, cookies, and more. Each bowl will cost $10. Brandon Knott ’97 makes the bowls in his studio, It’s Knott Pottery.
Empty Bowls is an important fundraiser held by the College. In 2019, it raised the most money to date -$7,000 to benefit the PATH Center. Empty Bowls has created a way to give back to those in need while also demonstrating a drive to create change.
The PATH center serves the surrounding six-county area. Monday through Friday, a hot meal is available to those in need. Currently, The PATH Center has begun delivering meals to those who are not able to access take-out. The Center relies solely on donations. It is estimated that the current kitchen budget only allows for 21 cents per day per meal.

If you are unable to attend the event but would still like to donate to this cause, please see the virtual link:

For more information about the Empty Bowls fundraiser, please contact Tess Salisbury, Director of Social Work, at

Chartered in 1850, Defiance College is an independent, liberal arts-based institution in Northwest Ohio offering more than 40 undergraduate programs of study as well as graduate programs in education and
business. Defiance College has received national recognition for its educational experience of service and engagement. The four pillars of its mission guide the College: To Know, To Understand, To Lead, and To Serve.

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