DC Clubs and Organizations: CAB

Written by Haleigh Parrish


A lot of organizations on campus get overlooked in the flurry of sporting events and weekend activities. The most students have heard about some clubs and organizations is through a quick skim over an email. But, if you are anything like me, if it is not an email from a professor or the mail room, you tend to overlook it. One important and growing organizations is CAB, or the Campus Activities Board. I sat down for an interview with CAB president Kayleigh Vicknair to talk about what CAB actually is and why students should get more involved.



What is the Campus Activity Board?

“We plan and organize events and activities for students to enjoy around campus.”

Who can be a part of CAB?

“Anyone who is interested!”

What do CAB members do, or what is expected of them?

“CAB members are expected to brainstorm, plan, and run the events happening around campus.”

Where can students find out more information about CAB or begin to get involved?

“Any board member. Email us at cab@defiance.edu, stop by and see Jake Arnold, or check out our social medias! Our Instagram is @cab_defi, our Twitter is @DefiCAB, and our snapchat is dccab1.”

What are your hopes for the future of CAB?

“I want to see our participation of members grow and to see more attendance from students at events we plan.”

What kinds of events and activities can students expect to see coming to campus this semester?

“Friends and family weekend at the end of September, homecoming week in October, and Holiday Explosion in November. Exact dates will be coming soon!”

What have been some of the more successful events CAB has run on campus?

“This year, the welcome week carnival and casino night, and the hypnotist. Holiday Explosion is usually pretty big, and Dan Henig came to campus last year to perform.”

To sum all of that up, the majority of events happening on campus are run and planned by CAB. Kayleigh’s biggest message to me is to join CAB or contact CAB if you have any ideas of events or people you want to see come to campus. The main goal of CAB is to make student’s college experience here at Defiance a good one. The best way to make this college experience memorable is to hear from the students. After all, nobody knows what students like better than the students themselves! Everybody wants and deserves to have fun at college because when all’s said and done, these memories are what we carry with us. Events like the hypnotist, homecoming week, musical guests, these are memories we would not be making without the help from the Campus Activities Board. Meetings are at 8 on Monday nights in the Cultural Arts Center in Serrick for anyone that has ideas to bring to Kayleigh. By talking to Kayleigh, I learned that CAB is also a great place to make connections. You learn a lot and gain skills that are great for résumé building. Overall, she assured me it is a lot of fun and it can only grow from its current state! Go out and get involved at DC!

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