The 17th Annual Empty Bowls

Last Thursday, February 16th from 4:30-7:00 p.m. the Defiance College Social Work Organization hosted the 17th annual Empty Bowls event. Empty Bowls took place at the Knights of Columbus Hall at 111 Elliott Road, Defiance. Admission was $12 which includes a handmade bowl from Brandon Knott and $8 for children 12 and under. However, DC students with their ID’s could attend for only $8. Empty Bowls is an organized event that raises money to help feed the local homeless and donates all proceeds to the local PATH Center.

The DC Social Work Organization members in charge of this event consist of Junior Social Work majors. During their class time, the organization has met to plan and discuss holding Empty Bowls. Some of the duties assigned to the members include calling or visiting local businesses for donations. In addition, many nearby towns such as Ft. Wayne and Bryan also make donations for the event. Some of the donations include: breads, soups, desserts, and drinks. This year’s donations for soup have doubled from last year to 150 gallons of soup. Brandon Knott, a Defiance College Alumnus, has also made more bowls.  The Social Work Organization is expecting 600 to 700 people to attend this years event. Lastly, Empty Bowls has volunteers from campus organizations, local businesses, and Defiance County helping with the event.

Mackenzie Combs, a Junior Social Work major, has helped plan Empty Bowls two years now. She talked about the event and all of the members involved have said that compared to other years everyone has come together to work like a well oiled machine. When asked how being involved with Empty Bowls makes her feel she said, “Seeing everyone excited and come together to support this event not only as a college, but as a community solidifies one of the many reasons why I want to be a social worker.” Sarah Kaya, another Social Work student, said, “I’m excited to see what our total proceeds will be this year because this event will benefit so many great people of the community and allow the PATH Center to continue to serve the community.” The Junior class would like to thank everyone who has contributed to make Empty Bowls a success.

Written by Madysyn Creighton

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