What Makes a Good Student or a Good Teacher?

The qualities of a good student or teacher can vary from person to person. For example, each student has his or her own learning style, ways of communication, and pace for classroom activities. Additionally, each teacher or professor also has his or her own ways of communicating as well as demonstrating what he or she is teaching. With that said, it is hard to say that one skill can be more crucial than another, because for each student and teacher his or her qualities differ. However, I met with professors and students on campus and they shared what they considered to be a good teacher and a good student below in terms of a basic overview.

Tess Homier, assistant professor of practice of social work and director of the social work program, stated that she looks for:

“Students who I feel are the most successful are the ones who open their minds to new ideas and ways of thinking. Students who challenge the ideas they have always had and begin to think more of how “could” this be rather than how “should” this be. When you stop asking questions and believe you have all of the answers, you stop growing. Students who allow and accept growth willingly will always be the most successful.”

Similarly, Alesia Yakos-Brown, associate professor of social work, shared that she looks for students who possess academic curiosity while also participating, but not dominating in class discussion. She also admires students who research knowledge beyond the classroom. Furthermore, she stated that she desires students who are prepared, respectful, and honest.

On the other hand, students also shared what they desire their professors to possess. Jordyn Worley shared that she, “wants a professor that builds relationships with students, put the students’ needs first, and meets every standard required to help their students learn.” Jordyn also stated that “students at all varying ages have many questions they may be too afraid to ask. Good teachers find time for those students to ask questions both in and out of the classroom.” Similarly, Arianna Richards, a student athlete on campus, shared that she considers a good teacher to be one who is willing to work with students outside of the classroom. She also added that professors who use real life examples allow her to relate to the information better. Moreover, Arianna explained that she learns best from professors who expand on information either by PowerPoint or notes, but not just reading the information given word for word.

Written by Madysyn Creighton

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