The Bridge Closure Has Minimal Effect on Students

The Defiance North Clinton bridge that was set to be closed on February 14th for new construction has been moved back one week. For travelers who use the bridge, this is going to mean having to find alternative routes for your daily commute. What effect does the closing have on-campus living students?

With word of the construction spreading throughout the town I asked some fellow students about their knowledge of the bridge closing, as well as if they use it. It seemed that many students were aware of the bridge closing, and some of them said that they do not often use the bridge because they don’t have to go on that side of town that much.

Damion tall, a senior business student said, “the only time I use that bridge is to go to the YMCA”. Another student, Dev Goodwyn, a sophomore business major said, “I was unaware that the bridge was going to be closing” and went on to say that “I barely ever used that bridge”.  The students that were aware that the bridge was closing typically were the ones that use the bridge from time to time. The project is projected to take nine months to complete and 8.3 million dollars. Whether you use the bridge, or you don’t, closing will commence February 21st.   

Update: The official closing date of the bridge has been moved to February 25th, as per the Ohio Department of Transportation, due to high water levels on the Maumee River.

Written by Tyler Bullock


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