The Question of Individual Liberties: The McMaster Symposium

Students looking to share their academic experiences, April 9-10th of the school year, Defiance will put together the annual McMaster School for Advancing Humanity Symposium and Academic Colloquium!

During the annual Academic Colloquium, students will be spread amongst the campus in Dana Hall, Serrick, and the Pilgrim Library sharing the important academic experiences they have gained during the current school year.

Senior student Paige Sickmiller spoke on what she gained during the presentations last year, “I learned a lot and I’ve grown as a public speaker. I recommend doing it at least once if you ever get the chance”.

During the two days of presentations, students are encouraged to present either orally or using poster boards. Each presentation will offer different experiences allowing the audience to understand what opportunities are offered, being a Defiance College student. The theme behind this year’s Colloquium is “The Question of Individual Liberties as Critical to Improving the Human Condition”.

Before presenting, students must choose between presenting orally or with a poster, or students may work with groups and present on a panel.

Oral presentations are normally given with power-points allowing students to show examples of everything they accomplished through each slide. Poster presentations don’t allow as many picture examples are oral presentations, but they give the chance of explaining more concrete details. A panel presentation will host multiple students sitting at a table presenting on a college trip that the honors program takes and answering questions.

“My poster presentations go 10xs better,” said Paige. “I get to research my questions and format my findings in a creative way. Plus, I get to read straight from my poster and others can read it so I don’t panic as much.”

To be able to present during this day you have to complete the application process of choosing to present verbally or through posters, choose a faculty member that can help advise you on your project, and with the approval of your faculty member, you submit the application to McMaster Symposium and Academic Colloquium Application (if a student chooses to do more than one presentation, submit application for each).  If you would like to share your work through a poster presentation, allow your faculty advisor to send the completed poster to Brad Harsha, Assistant Dean of the McMaster School (

Brad shared, “It truly is a day to celebrate the academic success of our students.”

Dates to remember for this event are March 25th (poster application deadline) and April 10th (presentation day). For more information visit or contact Brad Harsha.

Written by Allante Wheeler

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