Winter in Ohio

Winter is coming.  

Justin Caballero, a junior marketing major, is from Tampa, Florida. “The coldest I’ve ever seen it (in Florida) is 30 degrees,” Caballero said.

“It was the hardest thing to overcome. I didn’t want to leave my room at all during the winter. I wasn’t prepared for the cold that Ohio has.” Caballero said.

There are students all around Defiance College that are new to the cold months in Ohio. Some people are from Florida, Texas, and Georgia.

Brian Robins, a freshman education major, is from Fort Worth, Texas. “Texas is hot, very hot, and dry, but it’s not very humid,” Robins said. “The lowest I’ve ever experienced in the wintertime is 20 degrees.”

In Ohio, the winters are far colder than in Texas. For example, according to, on January 31st, 2019, in Ohio, there was a high of two degrees and a low of -11 degree. In Fort Worth, Texas, it was a low of 38 degrees and a high of 55 degrees.

It can be challenging for people from the South to adjust to the Ohio weather, but there are some ways to make it through.

“I’m going to prepare by getting a lot of winter clothes soon and just bundling up,” Robins said.

“I called my mom and told her that I actually need a coat and boots, hoodies, and shoes are not going to cut it,” Caballero said. “She had to send me a whole care package with a coat and timberlands and long sleeves to get by.”

According to, the first day that we have a chance of seeing snow on November 20th. Good luck!

Written by: Seth Pearson

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