Written by: Amber Baldwin

TEXAS: The snow and low temperatures that Texas has been experiencing caused their electric grid operations to lose control of the power supply. Now many people do not have electricity. With no heat, temperatures in people’s houses are in the 30’s and 40’s or lower. Because of the low temperature and no access to heat, they are also facing a water crisis because their pipes are freezing causing them to bust. If people do have water, they have to boil it before using it. Some are even going outside to gather snow and melt that. President Joe Biden has declared Texas’ situation a major disaster and has sent in FEMA. By doing this Texas can now receive federal funding to help with the situation.

COVID-19: According to the New York Times, 5.1% of the population in the United States is fully vaccinated and 13% of the population has had at least the first dose. There has also been a decrease in new cases and new deaths in the last 14 days. However, with new studies conducted, the CDC is now recommending double masking. In a 2020 study, a surgical mask along with a single layer cloth mask on top was found to be 91% effective. Please wear your masks correctly (over the nose) and always wash your hands. To find out more on masks visit https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/effective-masks.html
Black History Month
Since it is still Black History Month don’t forget to follow BASA, Black Action Student Association. The group is on Instagram and Twitter. This entire month they are doing activities that are celebrating and honoring Black lives. And don’t forget to check the free little library outside the Chapel in Schauffler hall for books written by great Black authors.
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/defi.basa/
Twitter https://twitter.com/BlackActionStu1

Liv B is a Canadian YouTuber and author of Liv B’s Vegan on a Budget Cookbook. She is coming out with a new cookbook on April 12, 2021, called Liv B’s Easy Everyday. Right now, it can be preordered on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble. Liv B is known for quick simple vegan recipes that are not going to cost a ton of money. She also does podcasts. To find more information check out her website here: https://itslivb.com
To catch some of her videos, view both of her YouTube channels here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtuwIdM0Zx7xCiZSa_clRzw and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL4XJVj4PPOdecb2J5w3z8A