BASA events at DC for BHM
Written By: Elizabeth Patrick
Each year Defiance College BASA puts on activities and events to celebrate this special time of the year.
This year, though, BASA will not have events every day, but they will still maintain the month-long celebration with various workshops, documentaries, and discussions.
Last year, the theme of their Black History Month celebration was heavily centered on self-care, wellness, and spirituality as a means of holistic healing. The college encouraged mindfulness and prioritizing oneself through an array of activities that were five days a week for every week in February.
Noelani Schmidt, a DC student, helping prepare the BASA’s BHM events, told the Defender about how the focus for this year will be on the significance of hair and what that means to an individual in terms of spiritual identity and self-expression. Hair plays a prominent role in many Black lives and is often more criticized than celebrated.

This year, BASA will be promoting hair love through workshops, a curated playlist, and they are hoping to install an art exhibition centered around the history of Black hair in the United States.”
They are also curating a workshop that discusses hair and perhaps a small class on protective styles so students can learn to maintain their hair with the changing seasons.
BASA is also hoping to initiate a Black History Month fitness challenge for DC students and collaborate with Dr. Steven Engel to release a special edition of the Progeny at the end of the month.
They are also hoping to collaborate with Live Light Fitness for our fitness challenge.
They will be working with AJ Ramirez to host a photoshoot for students to include their photos in the spread.
BASA hopes to collaborate with TTA Healing Studios for dance, mindful movement, reiki, and divination workshops.
Black History Month is an annual celebration that started in the US in 1926. It was conceived by historian Carter G Woodson who proposed marking a time to honor African Americans and raise awareness of Black History. Black History Month is celebrated in February because the second week of the month coincides with the birthdays of both Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Black History Month is celebrated annually from February 1st through March 1st.
Black History Month is a time to recognize African Americans and Blacks for their accomplishments and achievements throughout history.