I’m So Glad We Had This Time Together: Goodbye DC and Hello To Your New Editor–Emily Vargo
Written by Emily Vargo and April Johnson
Usually, when I write an article, it’s about a person or an event, but this one is a little different. This is where I say my hello.
I am delighted to announce that I will be the new editor for The Defender! I am so thankful to have this opportunity and happy to become more part of something that I enjoy doing.
As editor, I plan to publish weekly articles and cover significant events on and off campus. I want to welcome all writers of any kind to publish articles for everyone to enjoy.
I want to introduce myself to those who may not know me. My name is Emily Vargo, and I am an Early Childhood major with a double major in intervention specialist. I am a proud member of the Cheerleading team, V.P. of service for APO. McMaster scholar, Student Senat treasure, and a member of service leaders.
I want to thank April for everything that she has done as editor. She has helped build our school paper, and the Defender wouldn’t be where it is today without her. I am so thankful to have had the privilege of working with April, and I am so excited to work on this next chapter.
Thank you, Emily, for the kind words. As I finish writing and publishing my last article, I am reminded of what a wonderful opportunity being the editor has been. I’ve learned so much and have had incredible experiences like going to the 2019 Democratic Presidential Debates—but the best experience is being a part of the DC community. As a non-traditional student who is also part-time, I wasn’t sure I could do much. However, Defiance was so welcoming and encouraging that I accomplished so much more than I ever thought I could.
I want to thank everyone who has written for the Defender over the past 3 years, who has taken the time to read it, Dr. Engel, Professor Green, Barb Sedlock, Amber Baldwin, and especially Emily, who I know will make an incredible editor and take the Defender to the next level. I look forward for what’s to come.