Jaylen Redd

By: Caia Bevins

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Jaylen Redd, a first-generation college student, will soon graduate
from Defiance college with a degree in Social Work and a minor in
business. However, Jaylen wasn’t going to go out without a bang
and decided to run for Homecoming King to see what would
happen. To his surprise, he was chosen to be an attendant for the
2022 Homecoming at Defiance College by his fellow students. To
say he was surprised is an understatement, but he was also
immensely grateful for the opportunity. He said that his
grandmother was why he applied because she had
always encouraged him to take every opportunity he was
presented with.

When asked how he would describe himself if he could only use
one word, he said caring. He said that he “really likes to look out for a lot of people all the time,” and he
wouldn’t feel right if one of his friends were going through something and he wasn’t there for them.

That was one of the reasons he went into social work after deciding that exercise science and physical therapy just weren’t the right thing for him.
Part of his caring nature and his experiences as a college student means that he offers some great advice to Freshmen. His number one piece of advice: choose your friends wisely. He said that his friends help him stay focused on what’s important and help lift him when he is having a bad day.

He also reminds Freshmen about the importance of time management and keeping on track, so they don’t get bogged down with work. His last bit of advice: use the resources on campus and ask questions. No question is a dumb question.

Jaylen is originally from Memphis, Tennessee, about nine hours from Defiance College. When I asked him what some of the significant differences between Memphis and Defiance were, he quickly came up with a few. He said that “Memphis is just a crowded city” where Defiance is quieter, and everything is more slowed down, and that it gives you a chance to enjoy life a little bit.” He also pointed to the difference in traffic and how there wasn’t very much in Defiance. I also found out that he had never had a bagel in Memphis, which is a very disappointing fact. However, he does want to move back o a big city again at some point after college.

Jaylen is a part of the Service Leadership Program and is also in the McMasters School for Advancing Humanity. This past summer, he went to Belize to educate people about domestic violence in homes and communities and stress management for children and adults. He said that it was still unreal to him that he could go to another country and help people and that it was an experience he would never forget. He is also on the Defiance College Football team and plays defense as a free safety.

Fun Facts about our 2022-2023 Senior Attendant:
What’s your favorite food?
Shrimp fried rice
What’s your favorite movie?
Are you a cat or dog person?
Dog person
What three-five apps on your phone do you use the most?
Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube
I have a YouTube channel called JRedd.
If you could be any animal, what would you be?
What is your greatest pet peeve?
People not being as excited about my accomplishments as I am.
What high school did you go to?
Germantown High School

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