Senior Spotlight: Noah Pistory

By: Caia Bevins

Noah Pistory is double majoring in Exercise Science and Sports Management and will be graduating this Spring. I recently had a chance to sit down with him and chat about his experiences here at Defiance College as well as his future plans. His favorite memory of being here on campus was actually a fairly recent one. He said that beating Bluffton last fall in football was one of his best memories. He told me how cold it was that day and how difficult it was, but also how rewarding it was and “something I will never forget.”

In terms of future plans, he wants to go to grad school and hopefully be a teacher’s assistant while there. Before coming to Defiance College, he wanted to be a coach and came onto campus as an education major. However, he quickly realized that he had no desire to teach high schoolers, on the field or off, and changed his major. Now his career goals are more fitness oriented, and he wants to become a personal trainer. In fact, that is what he is doing through his internship right now at the YMCA.

College is an enriching experience for everyone, not just in the classroom, and Noah shared with me how much he grew just as a person over the last four years. He said that it taught him independence, “especially since I don’t live at home anymore over the summer.” He also shared how important time management had become and the leaps and bounds that he took in that particular life skill. He admitted that, as a freshman, he “was one of the most unorganized people ever, and now I keep a planner.” He went on to say that “it doesn’t seem like a big deal, but I use that and Google Calendar every day, and was weird and still is weird to me.” He also shared that it helped him become more grown up in general, especially over the last few years while talking about grad school. Grad school is something he sees in his future, but he hasn’t chosen one yet.

If you see Noah around campus, make sure to congratulate him on making it to his senior year and, as always, don’t forget to come to graduation on May 13th to help Noah and all the other seniors celebrate their incredible accomplishments.

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