DC Anime Club Goes to Youmacon Weekend

– Kristen Freese

(Defiance, OH) Last weekend, members of Anime Club, including myself, threw on their best cosplay outfits and took off to Detroit for Youmacon. Although there were only four of us, we had enough fun for everyone else. Plus, we took lots of pictures!

Any con is enough to satisfy the average geek or brony. But Youmacon is one of the big ones. A place where people can gather without being judged for their unique interests. A place where no one bats an eye at a grown man in a disturbingly cute Pinky Pie costume.

There were tons of cool stuff to do, so much that we couldn’t really settle on what to do first. So we all went our separate ways and explored the strangeness and awesomeness of the convention.

While some of us went to panels to see our favorite voice actors, others sat in a room full of the most colorful people you’ll ever meet. It truly is amazing how excited people can get over My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic karaoke.

Everybody was clapping along to a man that was clearly having too much fun with a show meant for little girls. In a room like that, you have no choice but to embrace your inner weirdo. Just accept everything that’s happening as something unbelievably awesome.

The place was crawling with the craziest of costumes. Whether they be characters from anime, cartoons, or even their own imagination. The people there clearly spent lots of time and money in anticipation for this ridiculously cool event.

While I thoroughly enjoyed everything Youmacon had to offer, I was definitely out of my element in Detroit. Traveling between buildings through trams was pretty tough,  not to mention the endless amount of walking.

However, the experience made it all worth it. I got to meet some very nice people while walking around aimlessly. I even got to see one of my favorite internet reviewers, Linkara.

I’ve got to say for $40 I had a really good time. I just wish we could’ve stayed longer, especially since all of the really awesome stuff happens at night.

Even if you’re not a fan of anime, you’ll probably enjoy Youmacon. They had lots of movies to watch and video games to play. But best of all, you can witness the gathering of hundreds of amazing people who want nothing more than to express themselves and indulge in their interests.

Anime Club meets every Thursday from 4:00-6:30 PM. We will also be having another all-nighter on Nov. 14 in Dana 28 from 8 PM to how ever long we can stay up. The room is booked until 10 AM. Our next convention is in March with Animarathon at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. All are welcome! We’d love to have you!

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