Are You Ready For Finals?

-Zach Bires

(Defiance, OH). Hey DC! Are you guys ready for finals? Well, like it or not, it is that time of the year once again!

As seasoned college students, we have all been through the finals before, but it does not hurt to reiterate some main points on how to make these finals successful ones!

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First off, do not leave your grade completelyup to your final. Right now it may be too late, but for future semesters remember to work hard in the class so that when the final comes around it does not have to be the determining factor on whether you pass or fail!

Secondly, do not wait until the last minute. During this time of the year, it becomes very stressful and busy between school, sports, and those pending summer plans. Do not try to put all the work off until the last minute. Doing a little bit each night can go a long way when everything is due and you already have most of it done!

Senior Ian Burkhart agrees stating, “Preparing for finals can be stressing. Lots of tests, presentations, and papers. The biggest way to prepare for finals is to get as much done as possible beforehand and not waiting until the last minute to get it all done.”

Actions such as reviewing material for only 5 to 10 minutes each night can help tremendously when it comes to the day of the exam. Do not cram before the test! Trying to memorize everything 30 minutes before the final is not going to be beneficial, and will most likely not reflect any improvement on the grade

Also, closer to finals week simple things like eating breakfast before hand and getting a good night of sleep can be a huge benefit to passing that big exam. Pair getting some solid zzz’s with chewing peppermints during the test for an even larger benefit. Studies have shown that peppermint helps stimulate the brain, which could be the boost to push your grade over the curve.

Finally, relax. We have all taken finals before and made it through alive. If you follow these tips and prepare yourself, you will be perfectly fine! Best of luck on getting the grade you want and having the sensational summer you desire!



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