DC Pride: Inclusivity on Campus

– Mackenzie Durdak (Defiance, OH)

DC Pride is an organization here on campus that recognizes local and national issues about the LGBTQ community and according to Taylor Haydinger, DC Pride president, “You do not have to be LGBTQ to join DC Pride.  You can be anything you want really; from straight to bisexual to asexual.  DC Pride welcomes all.”

Students come together and help facilitate an inclusive environment for LGBTQ students at Defiance College.

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For those of you who do not know of the abbreviation LGBTQ, it goes as followed-  “L” stands for lesbian, “G” stands for gay, and “B” stands for bisexual. Those are the ones you most likely know and have heard of. To continue, “T” in the abbreviation stands for transgender and “Q” stands for queer or questioning based on opinion. These are the most well known sexualities out of the broad spectrum, but in general sexuality is very fluid and ranges from many different types. The great thing about DC Pride is that despite your sexuality, you are more than welcome to join.

Taylor Haydinger also informs us that “the best part of DC Pride is having group members share stories and give their opinions on different subjects.” This allows the members to learn about different issues they may have not previously heard about, as well as the opportunity to interact and to get to know each other one on one. The bonds from this club help to develop friendships that could last a lifetime.

Freshman Victoria Mueller, stated during a meeting that, “it is who we are, not what we are, that should make a difference.” DC Pride often hold this mindset because even the smallest things like talking about the issues faced helps spread awareness. It may not seem like much but with this awareness may have the energy to start wonderful change for the members of the LGBTQ community on Defiance College’s campus.

To begin, in the latest meeting the club gathered in Dana 23 to have a movie night together that recognized the LGBTQ community through film.  Prior to the event, DC Pride educated and discussed with members about the different types of sexualities and watched small video clips to help further explain concepts that may not have been covered in high school. This led to a  conversation about different experiences members had with people using the LGBTQ community in a negative way. All of these interactions within members shows how important the community is and how they previously and currently experience inequality.
If you are interested in joining DC Pride, email Taylor Haydinger at thaydinger001@defiance.edu or stop by Dana 23 on Monday nights at 9 pm. Pride is welcome to every student and we would love to have your input on any issue regarding the mistreatment of many LGBTQ individual. You can also show your support by educating yourself or by stopping by the event DC Pride will holding later this month.

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