Chamber Singers Community Showcase

Last Saturday afternoon, February 4, the DC Chamber Singers put on a showcase, as they have for Valentine’s Day for the past five years. This time was a little different. Rather than simply performing for the college, they performed for the community. The Skylark Youth Center were the hosts of this event, and it was a family date night. Many families were there from around the Defiance area, all dolled up for the event. Performers included Jordan Osborne, Laurel Mann, Erin Conner, Clarie Turner, Mandie Heil, Jenni Repka, Taylor Haydinger, Nate Hicks, and our very own director and pianist, Jim and Hannah Watson. The songs performed ranged from Ed Sheeran to Shinedown to Elton John, but that did not stop all the kids from dancing and singing along, whether they knew the words or not. The night included not only singing by the Chamber Singers, but also refreshments, face-painting, and a dance to end off the night. While the Chamber Singers will be putting on another showcase on February 24, this showcase was extra special.

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