Book Review: First Love

By Hanna Young

First Love by #1 Bestselling Author James Patterson, is an unforgettable adventure and love story of two best friends that become something more. This book follows the cross-country road trip of its two main characters. This book keeps readers intrigued by the continuous situations that the characters get themselves into.

Axi Moore is ready to run away from it all, when she tells her best friend Robinson about it, they plan this cross-country road trip to escape it all. The only problem with this cross-country road trip is that she has a crush on Robinson. Axi was always regarded as a goodie two shoes, who never breaks the rules, but once they embark on this road trip, that quickly changes. The two characters find themselves on the run from the police. The adventure continues on the run from the police, that is, until Robinson collapses and everything is put on hold. The one thing that he wants is to make it back to see his family, so Axi makes that happen. Axi is then faced with the realization that this trip may have been Robinson’s last.

This story had all sorts of ups and downs, at one point you were laughing at the characters on the pages and the next you were crying. The power of love that is found in this book is amazing. While this book is one of my favorites it bears a lot of similarities to another book, this one by John Green. First Love is a really good book; however, it is easily predictable due to the similarities to another book.

Overall, I rate this book a 3/5. While the story behind this book is very similar to another book, there is still a large aspect that is unique.

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