Three Dudes in Their Twenties – What Could Go Wrong?
By: Caia Bevins

Three Dudes in Their Twenties is the latest passion project of three DC students who just so happen to be in their twenties, imagine that. Will Garlock, Grant Johnson, and Adam Tobin decided one day to make a podcast and the rest is history. Over the last several weeks, the three friends
worked in their free time to get everything ready and turn a desolate room in Dana Hall into a production studio for their podcast.
As I’m sure you can imagine, this all didn’t come together in a day. In fact, it took several weeks of coordinating their busy schedules to make it work. They’ll be the first to admit that it was challenging and there were a lot of late-night trips to the store for supplies (Tobin once went four times in one day) and long hours spent getting everything ready. However, they seemed to think that the extra time that they put in actually helped them find their pace and really solidify what they wanted to do in terms of content.
The three were all really good friends before the process of making a podcast, but working together towards their common goal helped them bond even more. When Tobin came to campus as a freshman, he didn’t really make a ton of connections with people his first semester, but the second semester, he met Will and they became good friends. However, it wasn’t until Tobin became an RA that he really spent much time with Grant. After a few weeks, though, they became best friends, and the trio was formed.
After being friends for several months, Tobin started the idea of doing a podcast. However, this was not the first time that one of them had had the idea. Grant had actually worked with Dean Winslow last year to see what all would be involved in producing and publishing a podcast. However, the idea didn’t really get off the ground until Tobin brought it up. In a way, he was the spark that led to the creation of Three Dudes in Their Twenties. All three pointed out that, even though it was their idea, they could not have gotten to where they have without the outpouring of help and support from faculty and staff at Defiance College.