Book Review: Everything, Everything

By: Hanna Young

Everything, Everything, by #1 New York Times Bestselling author Nicola Loon is a dramatic love story. The story is set mostly in Madeline Whitter’s house. The love that Olly and Madeline want is one major thing that keeps readers coming back for more and, along with the major plot twist at the end keeps these readers on their toes.

Madeline Whitter has a disease, but this isn’t just any disease; it makes her allergic to the world. She is not allowed to leave her house because of this disease. The only person that she has contact with is her mom and her nurse, leaving her to spend a lot of time alone. The home next door to her house is for sale and was finally purchased by another family, and as the moving trucks start showing up, she sees a boy approximately her age. She watches him out the window, and once he notices they start messaging through an online chat room, and this is where the love story starts.

While the love that Olly and Madeline show for one another brings the readers back, there are a lot of things that also keep readers attention. This is a story that has such an interesting storyline with the main character not being able to leave her house, which is a huge obstacle that she has to work through. The ending is also something that leaves me thinking about it. This book has a lot of ups and downs, it definitely is a good read, though.

Overall, I give this book a 4/5. This was a very good read, and there are a lot of lessons that can be learned from this book.

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