A Transfer Student’s Perspective

By: Kaiya Albert

Being a transfer student is quite common nowadays. According to the National Student Clearinghouse, around one-third of college students transfer schools before earning their degree. So many factors play a role in this decision. Such factors can include better academics, athletics, family reasons, and other personal agendas. There are many students who have even transferred schools more than once. 

Take me as an example. I am currently attending my fourth college pursuing a major in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology. My freshman year I attended a 4-year university in Wisconsin, similar to Defiance College. After being unsatisfied with the athletics program, I decided to return home to Rockford, IL to play basketball at the juco level. Due to COVD-19, the season was canceled and I stayed another year to play a full season in the hopes of obtaining an athletic scholarship. This landed me at Trinity International University playing for Coach Peay. Trinity shut all athletics down and I followed my coach to Defiance College to finish my bachelors degree. 

I was really impressed with the graduation to employment rate and career opportunities that Defiance has to offer, which was ultimately the deciding factor in my commitment here. Never did I think I would transfer this much in my college career. From personal experience, I’d say it’s definitely forced me to be adaptable and face adversity. I knew that Defiance was the right place for me because it was symbolic. Defiance is all about defying the odds. 

It isn’t always easy having to move around so much. However, it taught me to be resilient and defiant to say the least. Change forces us to grow. I was able to meet so many people and see so many different places along the way that made me grateful for my journey. Everyone’s path in education is different and unique to them. There are cons to transferring, mainly the concern about credits transferring over. However, with the help of the staff here at Defiance, I am on track to graduate next spring. I encourage those reading this to never be afraid of change. It can be a good thing if you allow it to be. 

One Reply to “A Transfer Student’s Perspective”

  1. What a great article and deeply impressed with the way she preserved and pushed through all 4 years of her college career and extremely proud to read this article

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