Book Review: The Kind Worth Killing

By Hanna Young

The Kind Worth Killing, by New England Society Book Award winner, Peter Swanson, leaves readers guessing at every chapter. This book is set in Boston. The starting point is the London airport in which Lily Kitner meets Ted Severson at an airport bar. 

While sharing gin martinis, Lily and Ted decide to play a game of truths that lead to several things being revealed. One of these things is how Ted thinks his marriage is going cold and he jokes that he could kill his wife Miranda whom he suspects of cheating. Lily tells Ted that there are people in this world worth killing and that she would help Ted kill his wife. The pair starts to plan the demise of Miranda and while they do they grow closer and closer together. However, there are still a few secrets that Ted doesn’t know about Lily. Ted and Lily make this plan, but there is one thing that they didn’t account for. Their plans are slightly foiled when one of them doesn’t make it out of the deadly game alive. 

This book left my jaw on the floor. The beginning started out a little slow, but the pace picked up the farther into the book that I got. As I read I wanted to know more and more and I could hardly read the pages fast enough. There are so many things that had to line up for the ending to come together and in my opinion most everyone got what they deserved. I can’t wait to see what Peter Swanson does with the sequel book. 

Overall, I rate this book a 4/5. This is because there was so much that kept me reading, but the book was also kinda slow in some spots.

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